Pest Spot – Russian wheat aphid

Infopest regrets an error made in linking to a map of Russian wheat aphid absences rather than finds.

Russian wheat aphid (Diuraphis noxia) (RWA) has since been detected across substantial portion of Victoria’s cropping zone, and is now into southern NSW. For further information on finds of RWA, PestFacts south-eastern has an update with a current map of the confirmed distribution of RWA in Australia.

Infopest apologizes for any confusion this may have caused.

APVMA considers new active constituent, bicyclopyrone

Bicyclopyrone is an HPPD inhibitor making it a Group H mode of action in Australia, rather than a Group 27 Herbicide as printed from international classifications. See CropLife Australia’s Herbicide Mode of Action table. This will be the third active from this group in Australia.

Infopest apologizes for any confusion this may have caused.